Episode 1: Why cook in real time?

tvcopyWelcome to Cooking in Real Time! I’m very excited about this new project, and a little daunted–there’s so much information to pass on to all the people who’ve been asking me how to get started cooking.

In this first episode, I just talk briefly about why this format–audio, not flashy video–and what future episodes will hold.

Short answer: Food TV sucks the life out of you, and cheats on time. But smart home cooks have to work efficiently and put together a whole meal at once. With Cooking in Real Time, you can listen along to the podcast and cook dinner at the same time–just press pause if you feel like you might be slipping behind.

So, listen in:

Click to play this episode in a new window; right-click to download

Then subscribe via feedburner, and send me an email if you have questions, suggestions or comments!

Next week: The first weeknight dinner–simple but surprising pasta, plus homemade salad dressing.

3 thoughts on “Episode 1: Why cook in real time?

  1. There is a very good chance you are going to replace This American Life as my favorite podcast.

  2. They have much better music, though… And there’s not much plot in these…yet. (Cliffhanger cooking? Nah…)

  3. Um when you’re a novice cook the cliffhanger exists at every attempt? Will it work? Will it taste good? Will I burn down my apartment?

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